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Scholarship Metrics That Give you Insight Into Your Scholarship Campaigns
Scholarship Metrics That Give you Insight Into Your Scholarship Campaigns
Jelena Stajic avatar
Written by Jelena Stajic
Updated over a week ago

Our new scholarship analytics feature lets you immediately find out the results you’re getting from your scholarship campaign. Below are the definitions for the scholarship campaign metrics available to you.


Definition: the number of applications you received for your scholarship.

How is it calculated?: to get the total number, we add up the applications from several sources.

  1. Applications from within ScholarshipOwl.

  2. Applications submitted through the application form embedded on your website.

  3. Applications submitted through your scholarship campaign landing page.

Scholarships Saved

Definition: The number of times students saved your scholarship within ScholarshipOwl.

How is it calculated?: we count the number of times a scholarship was saved by a ScholarshipOwl user.

Scholarships Ignored

Definition: The number of times students ignored your scholarship within ScholarshipOwl.

How is it calculated?: we count the number of times a scholarship ignore button was clicked by a ScholarshipOwl user.

Scholarships Started

Definition: The number of times the application process was started for your scholarship.

How is it calculated?: we count the number of times a scholarship application was started by a ScholarshipOwl user.


Definition: the number of unique times your scholarship listing was seen in ScholarshipOwl.

How is it calculated?: the number of times your scholarship listing was viewed by a unique user on ScholarshipOwl. We only count one view per unique user per day.

Above you can see an example from ScholarshipOwl - the Cedar’s No Essay Money for College Scholarship.


Definition: the number of unique visits your scholarship received.

How is it calculated?: the total number of unique times your scholarship was visited on:

  • Your scholarship page on ScholarshipOwl

  • Your scholarship application form embedded on your website

  • Your ScholarshipOwl landing page

We only count one visit per unique user per day.

Application Rate

Definition: the percentage of people who visited your scholarship page and then submitted an application.

How is it calculated?: the number of applications in total divided by the total number of scholarship visits.


Definition: the total number of scholarship applicants who completed a conversion goal on your website. The goal can be anything you set, such as signing up for a demo of your product or making a purchase.

How is it calculated?: through the embedded ScholarshipOwl for Business conversion tracking code. Once the tracking code is installed on your website, ScholarshipOwl for Business calculates this metric as the total number of times the conversion tracking code fired off on the goal page you set on your website.

Conversion rate

What it is: the percentage of scholarship applicants who also completed a conversion goal on your website.

How it is calculated: Once you install the conversion tracking code, you will get the conversion rate. It is the number of conversions divided by the number of applications to your scholarship.

Wrapping up

We hope that you now know what all the metrics in your ScholarshipOwl for Business dashboard mean and where we got those numbers. We also hope that you’ll be able to use them to create better campaigns, attract more applicants and drive even more conversions to your website. If you want to learn more, sign up for a ScholarshipOwl for Business account to get started today!

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