ScholarshipOwl for Business is a self-service platform that enables brands to turn their advertising efforts into Scholarship Campaigns on ScholarshipOwl. Instead of simply running a traditional ad campaign, Brands can now easily include an impactful scholarship component to each of their student-focused advertising efforts. We call these, Scholarship Campaigns.
ScholarshipOwl is the leading AI-based scholarship matching platform with over 9 Million registered students, growing by 150,000 plus users per month. Students use ScholarshipOwl to proactively find the most relevant and trusted scholarships they have the best chance of winning.
Now with ScholarshipOwl for Business, brands can create, list, and manage their Scholarship Campaigns on ScholarshipOwl so brands can reach the right students in a much more efficient and impactful way to achieve their marketing objectives. And at the same time, Brands will be contributing to the solution to student debt. Check out our Mission Statement for details.
Similar to other self-service platforms like Facebook and Google Ads, ScholarshipOwl for Business allows Brands to define their marketing objective (ex: building awareness, capturing leads, drive installs or subscriptions on their platform). Some of the areas brands can define include:
select their audience
build their creative
set their budget
measure performance
But unlike Facebook and Google Ads, ScholarshipOwl for Business also helps Brands manage the Scholarship portion of their Scholarship Campaign, where they can define the scholarship requirement and award, select the winner, and manage the applicant data and content that results from their Scholarship Campaigns.
With ScholarshipOwl and ScholarshipOwl for Business, Brands have an innovative, efficient, and impactful new marketing channel for achieving their marketing objectives. Learn more about How To List Your Scholarship Campaign here.